An Introduction to Steel Town Tales...

Steel Town Tales is an exciting heritage project focused on uncovering the rich history of steel production in Corby. Poised to capture not only the intricate details of the steel industry's past but also seamlessly weave them into the evolving identity of Corby today and ensure that the town's story resonates for generations to come.

Early Concept Art by MBD - Steel Town Tales VR Experience

Approaching the significant milestone of its 90 year anniversary in commercial steel production, Corby stands as a poignant reminder of a community steeped in industrial heritage. Unfortunately, remaining industry continues to grapple with challenges, and the town has already seen the demolition of many historic structures, placing Corby's industrial past at risk of fading away. Steel Town Tales will ensure that Corby's rich history is not only documented but also presented in an engaging and immersive way.

With a remarkable track record of over twenty years in historical storytelling, MBD recognises the urgency to preserve and safeguard cultural heritage and is committed to using technology to unveil lesser-known stories from our past and connect them to our present-day experience.

Made possible through the generous support of the National Lottery Heritage Fund, alongside contributions from local organisations and the wider community, Steel Town Tales emerged as a crucial heritage project for the MBD team.


At the forefront of this effort will be MBD's flagship multi-person VR experience. Alongside the flagship VR experience, the website will host the project archive, offering a wealth of heritage materials, including photos, videos and oral history interviews.

This project is designed for everyone, both adults and young people alike. We invite you to join our community participation workshops and activities set to take place throughout 2024 and beyond. We look forward to you being a part of it!